Bulk Trash Collection
Bulk Trash
The next Bulk Trash date will be in September.
We have a bulk trash collection four times each year in March, June, September, and December. The day and dates are announced well in advance of the pick-up. Items for collection must be placed at the curb. Items may be put out as early as the Wednesday before collection.
Bulk Trash items include: washing machines, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, mattresses, furniture, large toys, bicycles, swing sets, and televisions.
Paints other than oil-based will also be accepted. You must remove the lid of the paint container so the paint dries before pickup day, i.e. the paint must be hardened in the container.
Excluded are: large tree stumps, large tree limbs, wood piles, poisons, acids, caustics, explosives and ammunition, flammable liquids, motor vehicles and parts including batteries, and tires, bricks and general construction material, oil, large rocks, dead animals, human or animal feces.
Sometimes your trash is someone else's treasure. Should you have items in good condition, please consider a donation instead.