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Date: May 1, 2018

Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue

Time: 7:30 PM

Present: Greg Chernack, Scott Livingston, Nancy Pines, Pat Xeller, Ashley Kavanaugh, Joe Toomey, and two Section 5 residents

Agenda Item: Welcome

Chair Greg Chernack called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. Scott Livingston was sworn in for another two-year term.

Agenda Item: Introduction of Council Members

The Council Members introduced themselves.

Agenda Item: Approval of April Council Meeting Minutes

Chairman Chernack moved that the minutes from the April meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed.

Agenda Item: Chairman’s Report

Chairman Chernack reminded those present that the first annual Neighborhood Wine Tasting will be held on Saturday, June 2. He advised that all Section 5 residents are invited, and sign up is available until May 30.

Agenda Item: Presentation of Proposed FY 2019 Section 5 Budget

The Town Manager presented the proposed FY 2019 budget to the Council and residents present. After a detailed discussion of all the line items, income, and expenditures, the budget was up for a vote.

Agenda Item: Council votes on Proposed FY 2019 Section 5 Budget

Vice-Chair Scott Livingston moved that the budget be passed as submitted, there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item: Residents Vote on Tax Rate

Chair Chernack moved that the Council recommend the tax rate be set once again at zero; the Council agreed. The residents in attendance voted unanimously in favor of the recommendation of the Council, and the tax rate will be set at zero.

Agenda Item: Introduction of Ordinance 5-1-18, Small Cell Regulation

Chair Chernack noted that due to new information, the Council decided to table this discussion for now. It will be revisited at a later time.

Agenda Item: Citizen Concerns and Suggestions

There were no resident comments.

Agenda Item: Manager’s Report

The Town Manager noted that a recent building application for 7203 Connecticut was denied, and the resident formally requested a variance. The variance hearing will occur at the June meeting. Appropriate notification to residents will be sent. All Council members will receive the materials in advance. Town attorney, Ron Bolt, and Section 5 Building Administrator, Joe Toomey, will attend the hearing and lead the presentation on behalf of Section 5.

The Town Manager advised that she had been called to give a deposition as part of a lawsuit that involves a Section 5 resident. The lawsuit was filed by a woman who had been hired as a dog walker. She fell on the sidewalk in front of a resident’s home. The Town Manager was represented by an attorney through the Section’s insurance provider, Local Government Insurance Trust.


Chairman Richardson adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held June 12, 2018, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.