Date: March 13, 2012
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: 5906 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase Village Hall
Present: Peter Gray; Tim Hanlon; Frances L. Higgins; Nancy Pines; Chris Richardson; Greg white; 2 Section 5 residents
Agenda Item: Minutes
Peter moved that the February 14, 2012, Council meeting minutes be approved as revised; Chris seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Agenda Item: Update on Middle School Site
Greg said that the middle School Site Selection Advisory Committee (SSAC) has had its final meeting and at that time made its final recommendation for the site for the new middle school. After evaluating over 30 potential sites, the SSAC overwhelmingly recommended that Rock Creek Hills Local Park be the new middle school site. The alternate, which received considerably less backing due to traffic issues was North Chevy Chase Local Park. This is a recommendation, as it will be up to the Montgomery County Board of Education to consider this recommendation and make a final decision.
The next steps in the process are:
- March 15 9:00 AM - Briefing by MCPS staff to Montgomery County Planning Board on SSAC report and recommendations.
- March 30th Superintendent recommendation released (will be emailed to SSAC members and posted on the above web site)
- April 9th 5:00 PM - Mandatory Referral at Planning Board on report recommendations
- April 14th 4:00 PM - Board of Education action on a site
Greg said that money has already been budgeted for the construction of the new middle school and that it should be completed by September 2017. This school is being built because the middle school which serves the Chevy Chase area presently is Westland Junior High in Bethesda and it is seriously over enrolled. Greg will provide the manager a copy of the site selection committee's latest report and she will have it posted on Section 5's web site. See this link.
Agenda Item: Status of Police Contract
Peter has earlier reviewed and edited the police contract for supplemental police patrols in Section 5 with the County. The manager incorporated these changes into the contract, signed it and gave it to Lt. Burnett, Section 5's liaison with the County. She pointed out the changes which Peter had made and Lt. Burnett said that they were not substantive and that he believes that the County designee for Mr. Firestine will sign a copy and return it to Section 5. There was some discussion about the police being more visible on Section 5's streets. Greg asked that the police patrol Williams Lane more often during rush hour. Nancy said that speed humps are more effective in persuading people to decrease their speed than supplemental police patrols. It was suggested that the Council revisit the issue of supplemental police patrols after the next six months.
Agenda Item: Council Discussion and Approval of the FY
2013 Budget
Tim provided copies of the FY 2013 budget with its notes on incomes and expenditures. There was some discussion concerning separate items. Peter asked to have the dates for the incomes and expenditures for the FY 2012 actuals be changed to have the same date, March 10, 2012.
A resident asked about the status of budgeting money for capital improvements. It was stated that $11,000 is budgeted for capital improvements in the FY 2012 budget as well as the FY 2013 budget. This is the amount that Section 5's auditor suggested to be set aside for road construction on a yearly basis; therefore, when the roads need to be resurfaced in twenty years, there will be more than $200,000 in the account.
A resident asked if the Council has planned to give a real estate tax rebate in FY 2012. The Council said that it will make that decision when Section 5 has received its last large State income tax payment in May, 2012.
Tim moved that the proposed budget for FY 2013 be approved as revised; Chris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. -
Agenda Item: Building Inspector's Report
Permit granted:
3710 Williams Ln. - patio in back yard -
Agenda Item: Manager's Report
The manager provided the Council with a review of the new insurance policy with Local Government Insurance Trust for FY 2013. She said that Section 5 has $5,000,000 for excess coverage for public official liability which is the largest amount that LGIT affords. Section 5 has excess liability for public officials, general liability, and law enforcement liability. The total amount for the insurance policy with LGIT is $659.00 for FY 2013.
The Council agreed to renew the policy with LGIT.The manager suggested that the Council revise the voting regulations concerning the time for voting from 7:00 to 9:00 PM to 6:00 to 8:00 PM because several residents asked to have the times changed so that the results of elections could be announced by the end of the annual meeting which is 9:00 PM. Greg said that he would preferred to leave the polls open until 9:00 PM so that people who are working late would have time to come to vote. The Council will discuss changing the voting times at a later meeting.
The manager suggested that the fees for building permits be reviewed. She will contact the abutting municipalities to get their fee schedules and she will contact Alan Beal and asked him about the suggested level of fees for a municipality of Section 5's size.
Injured Workers' Insurance Fund, Section 5's disability insurance carrier, has reduced Section 5's premium by $55.00 because Section 5 has never had a claim.
An Underwood St. resident contacted the manager and asked if the Council will fertilize and mulch the liriope in the public strip in front of her house. It was stated that the Council does not pay to fertilize or mulch the public strips in front of houses in Section 5. The Council decided that it will not pay to fertilize and mulch the liriope in the public strip in front of her house.
Greg said that he will contact Section 5's web master about revising Section 5's web site.
The manager asked the Council if it would like to engage a speaker for the annual meeting. It was suggested that it is too late to engage a speaker for this annual meeting; however, the manager will look into engaging a speaker for next year's annual meeting.
Agenda Item: Adjournment
Peter declared the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting, April 3, 2012, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Ave. There is handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.