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Date: December 13, 2016

Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue

Time: 7:30 PM

Chris Richardson, Greg Chernack, Pat Xeller, Ashley Kavanaugh, and two Section 5 residents

Agenda Item: Greetings and Introductions

Chair Chris Richardson called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.

Agenda Item: Approval of November Council Meeting Minutes

Chris moved that the minutes from the November meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously.

Agenda Item: Resident Comments

A resident submitted a proposal that would allow Section 5 property owners who are not United States citizens to vote in Section 5 elections. The Council Chair stated that this is an issue that has recently been discussed and is under active consideration. The Council is currently reviewing the possibility of broader Code and Charter revisions as well. The Chair indicated that this proposal will be included in the review.

A resident asked a question about the tax rebate for FY 2016. The Town Manager explained the rebate procedure, and confirmed the credit was made directly to the homeowner’s property tax bills.

Council member Chernack inquired about new street signs that were recently installed on Woodbine and Leland Streets. The Town Manager noted that while she had been alerted to the signs by other residents, the Section did not approve the signs, and had not been contacted by the County or State prior to installation. She is in the process of finding out more information and will report back.

A resident noted there had been a recent carjacking in Chevy Chase, DC.

Another resident asked about possible street repairs on Thornapple Street on the east side of Brookville. Due to previous gas line work, there is a patch repair all along the street. The Council indicated they will include this area for consideration for the next street repair project.

Agenda Item: Income Tax Allocation Issue

The Town Manager explained that Section 5 had recently been contacted by Maryland State Senator Richard Madaleno who indicated that the State Comptroller’s office has discovered another $12.7 million in misallocated payments around the state. At this time, it is not known whether Section 5 has any involvement. A meeting is scheduled for late December. The Town Manager will report back with more information.

Agenda Item: Manager’s Report

The Town Manager said the December Quarterly Newsletter had been mailed to all residents. It included many seasonal reminders including: parking restrictions during snow and ice events, the Section and County snow shoveling policy, as well as a reminder to residents wishing to contribute to a holiday fund for the Section’s refuse and recycling crew.

The Manager mentioned that she had recently been contacted about signs placed in the Section right-of-way and whether they should be allowed. There was a brief discussion about the need for educating residents about the right-of-way, who owns it, who maintains it, and its use. It was noted that these types of questions should be addressed and included in the review of our Code.

A resident inquired about the possibility of having a regular Section financial report at the monthly meeting. The Council concurred, and this will be instituted.

Agenda Item: Discussion of Goals and Growth for Section 5

Chairman Richardson explained that he believes it is time for the Council and residents to conduct a formal review of the goals and hopes for the Section. He proposed the idea of a five year plan. There was some discussion by the various Council members and residents regarding the specific goals and hopes they have in mind for the Section. Some of the ideas mentioned include: the review of our current Code and Charter, developing and instituting a formal records retention plan, updating the way the Section communicates including possible website and email updates, and finding ways to instill a greater sense of community. It was decided that a likely first step would be a survey sent to all residents.


Chris adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held January 10, 2017, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.