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Date: December 11, 2012

Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Ave.

Time: 7:30 PM

Present: Peter Gray; Tim Hanlon; Frances L. Higgins; Nancy Pines; Chris Richardson; 3 Section 5 residents; 2 Boy Scouts; 1 father of a Boy Scout. Two boy scouts from Troop 90 attended the Council to satisfy a requirement for the merit badge titled “Citizenship in the Community”.

  1. Agenda Item: Minutes

    Tim moved that the November 13, 2012, Council minutes be approved as presented; there was a second and the motion passed unanimously.

  2. Agenda Item: Chevy Chase Fire Board Presentation

    John Byrd, President of the Chevy Chase Fire Board, gave some background information concerning the history of the Chevy Chase Fire Board. The Fire Board built the original fire house and continues to own it to this day. When the Chevy Chase Fire Department was first created, Chevy Chase residents paid a fire tax that was used to operate the fire house. In time, however, the County took over the collection of the fire tax and then the County paid to operate the fire house. At one time the County had plans to close the Chevy Chase Fire House; however, the negative response from many Chevy Chase residents caused the County to abandon the plan. If the Chevy Chase Fire House were closed, Section 5 calls would be covered by the Bethesda Fire Station. Mr. Byrd said that the Fire Board is a 503-C-4 corporation and thus, any donations to it are tax deductible.

    Even though the County funds the operation of the fire house, there are administrative as well as training costs that the County does not fund. Mr. Byrd said that these costs are supplied by donations from both private citizens as well as businesses. He said that the Board plans to send a letter to the Chevy Chase residents asking them to donate money to help with the administrative and training costs.

    There was some discussion.

  3. Agenda Item: Discussion of Pepco Tree Trimming Policy

    Earlier the manager sent a copy of the proposed agreement between Section 5 and Pepco concerning Pepco's tree trimming in Section 5. John made some changes to this document which was written by the Pepco lawyer. The manager will send a copy of the revised agreement to Pepco for its comments.

    The Council will vote on this agreement when Pepco has approved the document with John's changes.

  4. Agenda Item: Investment Policy

    The manager did not receive any questions from Section 5 residents concerning the proposed investment policy.

    Peter moved that the Council adopt the investment policy as it was presented to the residents in a mailing; there was a second and the motion passed unanimously.

  5. Agenda Item: Renewal of Supplemental Police Patrols Contract

    Peter said that he has some concerns about some items in the Supplemental Police Patrols Contract from the County. He said that the contract states that the patrols will not enforce some Section 5 regulations. He also said that the cost per officer per hour is not listed. Peter wrote a letter listing changes which Section 5 would like included in the present contract.

    The manager will send a copy of Peter's letter to Police Captain David Falcinelli and Kathleen Boucher for their consideration.

  6. Agenda Item: Discussion of Painting Stripes at Section 5 Intersections

    A resident has contacted Section 5 expressing his concern about pedestrian safety in Section 5. He said that the intersections should have additional white traffic stripes to alert motorists as well as pedestrians about the danger at intersections. There was some discussion.

    The manager will call the County and Village police and ask if these stripes will cause motorists as well as pedestrians to be more cautious at intersections and thus be safer.

  7. Agenda Item: Treasurer's Report

    Tim said that Section 5 received its November income tax payment from the State and that the amount is $40,000 less than the November payment in 2011. No budget item has exceeded the budget so far this year.

  8. Building Inspector's Report

    Permit Issued:
    3600 Thornapple St. - demolition permit; construction of new house

  9. Manager's Report

    The manager asked if it planned to give Mark Peyton a bonus this year. There was some discussion about the amount.

    The Council agreed to give Mark Peyton a $2,500 gratuity for FY 2012-13.

    There was some discussion about including a larger map in the new telephone book. Nancy would like to add the street numbers to the symbols for the houses; however, the present map is too small. If the map is made large enough to add the street address, the map will need to be made considerably larger and would then need to be a fold out.

    The manager will get an enlarged copy of the map for Nancy and she will try to add the street numbers.

    A resident contacted Section 5 about adding additional street lamps to all the Pepco poles on Williams Lane because there are dark areas where there are no lamps.

    The manager will check all the Pepco poles in Section 5 and determine how many there are without lamps and report to the Council in January.

    The manager told the Council that Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year and thus there will be no household trash collection. She suggested that the Council pay extra and have the trash company collect the household trash on Wed. Dec. 26th. This extra collection will cost $200.00.

    The Council agreed to pay the $200.00 for the extra collection. The manager will send a letter notifying the residents of the extra collection. In this notice she will also let the residents know that there will be one more leaf collection on Mon. Dec. 17th and that they may still contribute to the holiday collection for the trash collectors.

  10. Adjournment:

    Peter adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 8, 2013, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Ave. Everyone is welcome. The Village Hall is handicapped accessible.