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Date: October 16, 2019

Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue

Time: 7:30 PM

Present: Greg Chernack, Scott Livingston, Maryann Luongo, Phil Giordano, and Ashley Kavanaugh

Agenda Item: Greetings and Introductions

Chairman Greg Chernack called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.

Agenda Item: Review and Approval of September Council Meeting Minutes

Chairman Chernack moved that the minutes from the September meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed.

Agenda Item: Residents comments

There were no resident comments.

Agenda Item: Monthly Financial Report

The Town Manager presented an overview of the Section’s current financial status, and entertained questions from the Council.

Agenda Item: Manager’s Report

-The Town Manager noted there were three building permits issued this month, as well as five tree removal permits.

-There are currently 15 requests for trees to be planted as part of the Section’s Free Tree Program.

-The Manager said that she had received an inquiry from a resident regarding the possibility of the Section handing out “welcome baskets” to new neighbors. The Council discussed having bags made that say Section 5 and including various things from the local stores and information regarding the neighborhood. The Manager will work with the residents to form a Welcome Committee that will be in charge of this task.

-The Manager noted that the Section has received a request from Delegate Jared Solomon asking the Council to consider signing on to a letter the District 18 Delegation would like to send to the State Highway Association and Montgomery County Department of Transportation requesting sidewalks on parts of East-West Highway (MD 410). The letter is a result of concerns raised about pedestrian and bicycle safety on East-West Highway. The initiative would target the area to the south of East-West between Brookville Road and Beach Drive. It would not involve taking any private land from individual front lawns. This request would only require sidewalks along East-West Highway where there are no houses. After a brief discussion the Council decided to allow Section 5’s name to be included in the letter. The Town Manager will communicate this to Delegate Solomon’s staff.

-The Manager provided an update for the Council regarding the new part-time police officers working in Section 5. Both officers started October 1 and are working five hours each per week. The hours and length of time they are working has varied, but after each shift they are sending the Manager an update with a brief description of the areas patrolled and any relevant information.

-Section 5 attorney Ron Bolt will attend the November meeting to provide updates on several ongoing legal matters.

-At the December meeting, Lindsey and Associates will attend and give a presentation on the FY 2019 audit.

-The Council had an informal discussion regarding the boundaries of Section 5 on Leland Street and the specific areas maintained by the County.


Chairman Chernack adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held November 12, 2019, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.