Date: September 13, 2016
Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue
Time: 7:30 PM
Chris Richardson, Greg Chernack, Pat Xeller, Ashley Kavanaugh, and one Section 5 resident
Agenda Item: Greetings and IntroductionsChair Chris Richardson called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Agenda Item: Approval of May and June Council Meeting MinutesChris moved that the minutes from the May Meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously. Chris moved that the minutes from the June Meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item: Resident CommentsOne resident asked if the Section would be continuing the Fall Free Tree Program. The Town Manager indicated that we are, and the details are in the September Section newsletter. The resident also inquired about whether the Council was considering a charter and code review. The Council Chair said it is something the Council intends to review this fall.
Agenda Item: Leland Court Speed HumpAt the June 2016 meeting a resident inquired about the procedure for granting a speed hump in the Section. The resident submitted a petition in favor of adding a speed hump at the entrance of Leland Court. The petition was signed by all the residents on Leland Court, excluding one house that is currently vacant, as well as neighboring residents on Leland Street. The resident said there were several reasons for the request; many children living in that area, a short neck of the road at the entrance, and no parking on one side of the street that leads to a blocked sight line.
Over the summer, the Council reviewed the request. The Town Manager reached out to the one resident not on the petition, and received an email in full support of the project. The manager also asked the Chevy Chase Fire Department for an assessment of the proposal, and received a notice in writing stating that they have no objections. The Fire Department cited primarily that Leland Court is not a through street, and it will have no real impact on emergency vehicles. Given their approval, and the unusual unanimous resident support for the installation, the Council was inclined to grant the request. As a matter of procedure, the Council asked that the possible installation be listed as an agenda item on the September Council meeting agenda. Following a discussion, Chris moved that the installation of a speed hump on Leland Court be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item: RCN Negotiation StatusThe County has approved a renewal for RCN (Starpower Communications, LLC). Thus, the Village must now also approve the renewal of the RCN franchise. In compliance with the Village Charter, Chris introduced an ordinance that would allow Section 5 to formally adopt the RCN renewal. The agreement will be voted on at the October Council meeting.
Agenda Item: Manager’s ReportThe Town Manager indicated that over the summer, the Council had moved to renew several contracts for Town services. These contracts include:
- Montgomery County Sanitation and Recycling
- Lee’s Trees – Fall Leaf Vacuuming
- Rolling Acres – Snow removal
Upcoming Section 5 events include:
- Fall Block Party 9/18 with a rain date of 9/25
- Bulk Trash 9/24
- Section 3 Food Truck in the Park 10/9
The Town Manager indicated that Section 5 has once again contracted with Lindsey and Associates to conduct the annual audit. The Town Manager met early September with several of the accountants and provided them with the necessary documentation. At this time, the audit is ongoing.
The County is currently conducting storm drain repair work in several spots throughout the Section. Locations include: Glendale Road, Underwood Street, and Williams Lane.
As indicated earlier in the meeting, Section 5 will once again hold its Free Tree Program. This year we have asked Section arborist, Dr. Tolbert Feather, to be involved in the selection and siting of the trees. Residents interested in a tree should contact the Town Manager by September 30th. Dr. Feather will meet and consult with residents in October, and the trees will be planted in November. The Section will also purchase gator bags to assist with precise watering.
As needed gutter and curb repairs will take place on September 27th. Locations include: Woodbine Street and Leland Court.
The sidewalk maintenance project dates have been set for mid-October. Sidewalks to be included in repairs are now marked with white or green paint. The Section will work with the contractor to send alerts to residences with street-by-street schedules to hopefully minimize the inconvenience. The Council discussed the need to stress to residents the importance of not damaging wet sidewalks. The Council added that should widespread damage occur, the Section may consider asking individuals (who appear to be responsible) to compensate the replacement costs.
Many Section 5 investment and bank accounts currently list Frances Higgins as the authorized signer. The Town Manager asked to formally be added as an authorized signer and secretary on the following accounts in place of Frances Higgins:
- BB&T
- Capital One
- Citibank
- Congressional
- Essex
- M&T
- Maryland Local Government Investment Pool
- Presidential
- Sandy Spring Bank
Chris moved that Ashley Kavanaugh in her capacity as Town Manager be added as the authorized signer and secretary to all of the accounts listed; there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously.
AdjournmentIn conclusion, Chris asked Council members to think about a strategic vision for Section 5 including possible goals and/or programs that the Town might like to initiate, ways to involve residents, long-term planning, etc. The Council will begin this discussion in the coming months.
Chris adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held October 4, 2016, at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.