Date: October 13, 2015
Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue
Time: 7:30 PM
Present: Tim Hanlon, Chris Richardson, Greg White, Nancy Pines, John Higgins, and 8 Section 5 residents
Agenda Item: Introduction
Chris called the meeting to order and introduced the members of the Council.
Agenda Item: Approval of Minutes
The September 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item: Resident’s Comments
A resident stated that he thought the Block Party was well done. John Higgins noted that people seemed particularly pleased about the ice cream because the bill for the ice cream was $785. People ate a lot of it.
Agenda Item: Filling Manager Vacancy
John distributed copies of the resumes of the 7 applicants for the position. All are Section 5 residents. The Council agreed to conduct interviews of all the candidates. All members will participate. Greg will prepare questions that can be used for the interviews and a resident offered to submit suggested questions. The Council agreed. It was also agreed that the interviews would be held on Sunday morning October 18 and Thursday evening October 22. John will reserve the Village Hall for the interviews. The Council estimated about 30 minutes for each interview.
Agenda Item: Filling Council Member Position
The Council was given the resumes of Gregory Chernak and Patricia Xeller, each of whom has expressed a desire to fill the council seat being vacated by Tim Hanlon. The Council decided to discuss these candidates in an Executive Session at the end of the meeting.
Note: At the Executive Session it was decided to defer a decision until Scott Livingston is able to participate in the deliberation.
Agenda Item: Status of Leland Street Traffic
John Higgins reported that he had a conversation with Mr. Bilgrassi of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation. Mr. Bilgrassi advised that if Section 5 decides to oppose the proposed street closure, the County will close this matter. The Council heard comments from residents and decided to continue its plan to contact the State Highway Department about lengthening the southbound left turn lane at East-West Highway and Connecticut Avenue. In addition, the Council wants to hear about Scott Livingston’s efforts to find a traffic engineer who can study the matter.
John Higgins also reported a contact with David Anders, the current president of the Hamlet Citizen Association. Mr. Anders has expressed a desire to work with the Section 5 Council on this and other shared matters of concern.
Agenda Item: Report on Pepco Vegetation Management
John Higgins reported receipt of a letter from Pepco advising of Pepco’s intention to do tree trimming in our area. John noted that this is the subject of litigation before the Public Utitilities Commission that culminated in a very advantageous result for Section 5. John advised that he will work with Pepco on this matter under the terms of the settlement.
Agenda Item: Comcast Franchise-Montgomery Muncipal
The Council decided to accept Option B of the proposal by Montgomery Municipal Cable (MMC). This option continues the towns practice of using its franchise and grant funds (about $2,000 per year) to support MMC. MMC is composed of the municipalities in Montgomery County. Frances Higgins was the Secretary of the MMC Board of Directors.
Agenda Item: Treasurer’s Report
John Higgins reported that he has received a draft audit report from the auditors and that they report no problems. John read three items that needed Council approval for the report and the Council agreed with the draft language. John noted that the only thing left is to obtain the traditional lawyers letter as part of the audit.
Agenda Item: Building Permit Report
There was only one permit issued in September. It was for a fence replacement at Perricks, 3810 Williams Lane.
Agenda Item: Managers Report
We have requests for 5 trees from residents and will put in about a dozen public trees. Planting will be in late November.
Wynne Case – Still no word on what our liability will be for the tax duplication case decided last year by the Supreme Court.
Special trash collection went off without a hitch.
First leaf vacuuming will be on October 19.