Date: May 7, 2019
Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue
Time: 7:30 PM
Present: Pat Xeller, Maryann Luongo, Philip Giordano, Ashley Kavanaugh, and six Section 5 residents
Agenda Item: Greetings and introductionsCouncil member Pat Xeller called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. After a round of introductions, Philip Giordano was sworn in as the newest council member, taking the place of Nancy Pines who did not run for re-election.
Agenda Item: Approval of April Council Meeting MinutesCouncil member Xeller moved that the minutes from the April meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed.
Agenda Item: Presentation of Proposed FY 2020 Section 5 BudgetThe Town Manager presented the proposed FY 2020 budget to the Council and residents present. After a detailed discussion of all the line items, income, and expenditures, the budget was up for a vote.
Agenda Item: Council votes on Proposed FY 2020 Section 5 BudgetCouncil member Xeller moved that the budget be passed as submitted, there was a second, and the motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item: Residents Vote on Tax RateCouncil member Xeller noted that as in past years, the Council recommends the tax rate be set at zero. The residents in attendance voted unanimously in favor of the recommendation of the Council, and the tax rate will be set at zero.
Agenda Item: Citizen Concerns and SuggestionsA resident inquired about the history regarding speed bumps on Section streets. Another resident attending the meeting, former Council member Andrew Smith, said that although speed humps had been debated several times in the past, when the item was put to a vote Section-wide the majority of residents had not been in favor. The Council added that the Section is willing to consider traffic calming options if it appears there is sufficient support to do so. This resident also inquired about the possibility of adding a crosswalk across Connecticut Avenue near Taylor Street. There is a bus stop on the west side of Connecticut that is difficult to get to without crossing mid-block. Since Connecticut Avenue is a State road, they would have to approve the addition of a crosswalk. The Town Manager mentioned that the Village of Chevy Chase had added a crosswalk within the past year or so and that the addition was the result of a many (at least five) year project working with State Highway officials to get approval. She will reach out to the Village to find out more about the exact timeline.
Agenda Item: Manager’s Report-The Town Manager said there were three private tree removals, and one public tree removal over the past month. In addition to this, Pepco removed a tree on Williams Lane and conducted regular pruning on Underwood Street.
-Four building permits were also approved.
-Section 5 plans to hold another community shred event with Martin’s Additions and Section 3 on May 18.
-There will be another Bulk Trash collection on Saturday, June 22.
AdjournmentCouncil member Xeller adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held June 11, 2019, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.