Date: January 9, 2018
Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue
Time: 7:30 PM
Present: Chris Richardson, Scott Livingston, Pat Xeller, and Ashley Kavanaugh
Agenda Item: Greetings and IntroductionsChairman Chris Richardson called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Agenda Item: Review and Approval of December Council Meeting MinutesChairman Richardson moved that the minutes from the December meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed.
Agenda Item: Resident CommentsThere were no resident comments.
Agenda Item: Monthly Financial ReportThe Town Manager presented an overview of the Section’s current financial status, and entertained questions from the Council.
Agenda Item: Manager’s ReportFor the month of December one building permit was issued. There are four applications still in progress.
The Town Manager attended the Maryland Municipal League Legislative Dinner on December 14.
The Town manager gave an overview of the December 21 meeting of the Montgomery County Planning Board. One of the items on the agenda was the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways. During the work session, Project Manager Stephen Aldrich noted that the staff’s originally proposed reclassification of Brookville Road had been removed from the list of proposed changes due to significant objection from the community. At the conclusion of the work session, the Planning Board unanimously authorized scheduling of a Public Hearing and 30-day comment period. The Planning Staff expects the Public Hearing to be scheduled for February 2018 (specific date TBD). The Planning Board intends to transmit its final recommendations to the County Executive and County Council by April 2018.
The Town Manager noted that the Section had completed all necessary tax forms for 2017.
AdjournmentChairman Richardson adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held February 13, 2018, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.