Date: June 9, 2020
Place: Held by Conference Call only due to COVID-19
Time: 7:30 PM
Present: Greg Chernack, Pat Xeller, Maryann Luongo, Philip Giordano, Josh Galper, Ashley Kavanaugh, and several section 5 residents.
Agenda Item: Greetings and IntroductionsChairman Greg Chernack called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. There was a round of introductions. Chairman Chernack then made a brief statement regarding the civil unrest around the country and our area relating to race relations and policing. He noted that both our Section police officers have received specialized diversity and inclusion training via Montgomery County.
Agenda Item: Review and Approval of May Council Meeting MinutesChairman Chernack moved that the minutes from the May meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed.
Agenda Item: Residents commentsA resident inquired about the ongoing development for Chevy Chase Lake. He encouraged the Section to press Montgomery County officials to not allow or approve any new development along the west side of Connecticut Avenue until the full effects of the new development along the east side at Chevy Chase Lake have been registered. He suggested pushing for a moratorium on development for six months to assess any new traffic and congestion issues. This resident also raised concerns about the County’s intent to renovate the Chevy Chase Library located on Connecticut Avenue just north of East West Highway. Part of the County proposal suggests a public private partnership. There is concern that it may be a larger building that includes residential development as well. Chairman Chernack said that the Section has been in discussions with Senator Waldestreicher’s staff and also Councilman Andrew Friedson’s staff regarding this proposal. At this time, we are closely monitoring the developments and have asked to be notified regarding any next steps.
Agenda Item: Financial Report FY 2020The Town Manager provided the Council members with copies of the financial report for FY 2020. The report included all revenues, expenses, and net income to date. The Manager noted that that the final June State income tax payment for FY 2020 has not yet been made but is expected to total close to $100,000.
Given that Section income will exceed expenditures for the year, the Council recommended that a credit/rebate once again be provided to residents. Chairman Chernack moved that Section 5's Council provide a $700 real estate tax credit for each of the 227 households plus LaFerme restaurant for FY 2020. The motion was seconded, and it passed unanimously. The manager will notify Section 5's residents of the Council vote.
Agenda Item: Manager’s Report-There were two approved tree removal permits this month. Both trees are private
-There was one new building permit issued for new brick sidewalk and steps.
-Section 5, along with Section 3 and Martin’s Additions, is sponsoring a Community Shred Event this Sunday. A reminder with specific details will be sent to all residents by email.
-The June Quarterly Newsletter is ready and will be emailed to residents by Friday.
-After careful consultation with the Council, it was decided that the Section will not hold its’ annual Fourth of July event this year due to COVID-19.
-The sidewalk project is in progress. The contractors have completed the sidewalk work on Glendale, Woodbine, and Underwood. They still have areas on Thornapple and Williams to do. It is a large project. Joe and I are on site most days and keeping a running list of areas that must be addressed before the project is considered complete.
-At the May meeting there was a resident question regarding the recycling trucks used by the Section’s sanitation contractor. The contractor said they use the same type of trucks for recycling that the County uses. The County truck is slightly different in that it has the ability to separate comingled materials. Both the Section and County trucks are compaction type vehicles. He said the reality is that when all the trucks reach the County recycling facility, they dump it on the concrete floor. Broken glass will occur, and it can still be recycled. I have included this update in the June newsletter along with a short write-up regarding my visit to the recycling center last January.
-As a reminder, there will be no Council meeting in July or August.
AdjournmentChairman Chernack adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held September 8, 2020, via conference call at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome.