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Date: April 14, 2015

Place: 5906 Connecticut Avenue, Village Hall

Time: 7:30 PM

Present: Tim Hanlon, Scott Livingston, Nancy Pines, Chris Richardson, 2 Section 5 residents

  1. AGENDA ITEM: Minutes

    Chris called the meeting to order. Scott moved that the minutes for the March 10, 2015, Council Meeting be approved as revised. Nancy seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

  2. AGENDA ITEM: Citizens' Concerns

    There were no citizens who brought their concerns to the Council.

  3. AGENDA ITEM: Update of Section 5 Land Survey

    The Manager presented a report that AMT has completed the land survey and has installed the monuments in their designated sites. A brief discussion followed.

  4. AGENDA ITEM: Discussion of Section 5 FY 2015-16 Budget

    The FY 2015-16 Budget is essentially same as the FY 2014/15 with minor changes except for: gratuities and snow. The gratuities budget item is larger than last year's because the Council voted to donate $15,000.00 to the Bethesda/Chevy Chase Rescue Squad to help defray the cost of a new engine. The snow budget was increased from $12,000.00 to $30,000.00 because of the unusually harsh winter. (actual for FY 2014/15 was $31,862.00.)

    Scott moved that the Council give a 5% raise to the Manager. There was a second and the motion was approved without discussion. Scott moved that the Council approve the proposed Budget for FY 2015-16; Nancy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
    In approving the Budget the Council noted the recent increase by the State Legislature in the amount of a municipality liability cap.
    Chairman Richardson had to leave early and Scott Livingston took the chair.

  5. AGENDA ITEM: REPORT BY Resident Kevin Bromberg

    In 2013 the Council asked Kevin to contact Section 3 regarding their permeability requirements for driveways. He spoke to Andy Harney, Section 3's manager, who said that their regulation regarding driveway materials has worked well in Section 3. Kevin would like to invite Ms. Harney to attend the next Council meeting to discuss their driveway regulations.

    The Council asked Kevin to obtain copies of the abutting municipalities' regulations regarding driveway permeability.

  6. AGENDA ITEM: Building Inspector’s Report

    Permits granted:
    7115 Brookville - installation of side yard fence
    3518 Thornapple St. - installation of back yard fence
    3705 Woodbine St. - curb cut was made in the public curb to accommodate a circular driveway; installation of driveway with gravel

  7. AGENDA ITEM: Manager’s Report

    The Manager reported that she participated in LGIT's Primary Liability Loss Control Credit Program and if there is money left over, Section 5 could receive a rebate because the town has not had a claim this year

    The Council agreed to accept the increase which its accountant Lindsey & Associates who prepares Section 5's audit has proposed. The increase is $225.00.

    Someone in the County's Traffic Office has sent Section 5 a copy of a proposal that will restrict eastbound vehicular traffic on Leland Street on week days from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM. There was some discussion. The Council decided not to wait until the May 5th meeting to take any action on this matter.

    The Manager wrote a letter to the three Section 5 residents who had monuments placed behind their front yard fences. The residents were assured that these monuments would not hinder their lawn care.

    A trash can has been installed at the southeast corner of Connecticut Avenue and Leland Street at Section 5's expense. The manager has ordered another trash can that will to be installed at the southeast corner of Connecticut Avenue and Thornapple Street.

    Greg White has contacted the Alzheimer Association which will conduct an informational meeting at the Village Hall, Wednesday, May 20th from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM. All the Chevy Chase municipalities will be invited.

  8. Adjournment

    There was motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded and it passed unanimously. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting and Election. Voting is from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM and the Annual Meeting will be from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Both the voting and election will be held at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.