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Date: March 12, 2013

Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Ave.

Time: 7:30 PM

Present: Peter Gray; Tim Hanlon; Frances L. Higgins; Greg White; 3 Section 5 residents

  1. Agenda Item: Minutes

    Tim moved that the February 12, 2013, Council meeting minutes be approved as revised. Greg seconded the motion and it passed unanimously

  2. Agenda Item: Discussion of Renewal of Supplemental Police Patrols Contract

    The County contact person for the police contract has not as yet submitted a contract for supplemental police patrols for FY 2013‒14. However, the County has sent a bill for the patrol services for June 3 ‒ June 30, 2012. This person promised to send a bill for the services from June 2012 to Feb. 2013 next week.

    The Council decided to maintain the same level of funding for the police patrols for FY 2014 as it was for FY 2013.

  3. Agenda Item: Discussion of Installing Additional Street Lamps

    A Williams Ln. resident said that he is concerned about the dark spots on Williams Lane where there are poles without street lamps. The manager said that Williams Ln.. residents have sent in 24 survey forms indicating their support for additional street lamps on Williams Ln. Three Williams Ln. residents and one Windsor Pl. resident have sent in survey forms indicating their opposition to additional street lamps on Williams Ln. Four Windsor Pl. residents sent in survey forms indicating their opposition to additional street lamps on Windsor Pl. Four Leland Ct. residents sent in survey forms indicating their support for additional street lamps. There was some discussion concerning the reason for installing additional street lamps. The manager said that two different policemen with whom she has spoken said that additional street lighting can be a deterrent to crime.

    Greg moved that the Council engage Pepco to install street lamps on the following Pepco poles on Williams Ln.: 3713, 3715, 3803, and 3811. Tim seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The manager will contact Pepco and complete the necessary paper work to have these lights installed.

  4. Agenda Item: Discussion of Proposed Changes to Section 5's Charter

    Peter said that there are some changes which should be made to the Charter; however, a notice must be sent to the residents regarding these changes 60 days before a public meeting at which time residents may express their views regarding these changes. Peter said that the Charter states that in the odd years of an election 2 seats should be up for election and the even years 3 seats should be up for election; however, at some time in the past years this order was switched. He suggested a change that states: in the odd years 3 seats would be up for election and in the even years 2 years would be up for election. Also, an ordinance amendment was proposed to change the time for voting at the annual meeting listed in the voting regulations be changed from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM to 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. In additon, the Charter should be amended to allow the annual meeting to be moved from the first Tuesday in April to the first Tuesday in May, and to affirm that the Council is empowered by Maryland State law to pass or adopt zoning or land use ordinances or regulations.

    Peter has written a letter proposing these changes. The manager will have John review it and send it with the May agenda for residents to attend the September Council meeting to express their views concerning the changes.

  5. Agenda Item: Treasurer's Report/Discussion Budget 2013‒14

    Tim presented the Council members with a financial report which included the proposed budget for FY 2013‒14 and actuals to date for FY 2012‒13 and the actuals for the three previous years. The Council reviewed the figures for the FY 2013‒14 budget and the actuals for FY 2012‒13.

    Greg moved to accept the proposed budget for FY 2013‒14; Peter seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The manager will send a copy of the FY 2013‒14 budget as well as a copy of the notes for the expenditures and revenues to the printer. This material must be postmarked at least two weeks before the annual meeting. She will also include in this mailing a copy of a Memorandum which states the figures for the new budget and the proposed tax rate.

  6. Agenda Item: Reimbursement to the Feffer's

    Peter reviewed the facts concerning the Feffer's request to be reimbursed for their payment to replace the public sidewalk adjacent to their driveway apron, their driveway apron and a section of the curb and gutter abutting their driveway apron. The Feffers presented an itemized bill for $3,800.00 to the Council at the Feb. Council meeting for the above expenses. The Council had asked Jack Nazario with NZI, Inc. a construction company in Montgomery County, to present a cost for these same repairs. Jack's bill was for $2670.00. There was some discussion about the amount to reimburse the Feffers.

    The Council decided to reimburse the Feffer's $2,670.00 for their expenses of the items listed above. The manager will write a letter to the Feffers stating the Council's reasons for reimbursing them for $2,670.00 rather than the $3,800.00 which they proposed.

  7. Agenda Item: Discussion of CPR Course for Section 5 residents

    The manager has contacted Craig Pernick about conducting a CPR course for Section 5 residents free of charge. In exchange for this service Section 5's Council will contribute the cost of conducting this CPR course to the B‒CC Rescue Squad. She will contact Craig about the proposed course and set up a meeting date in the fall.

  8. Agenda Item: Building Inspector's Report

    Permits granted:
    3718 Williams Ln. ‒ backyard fence

  9. Agenda Item: Manager's Report

    A resident has complained about motorists parking too close to his driveway entrance. The parked cars often prevent him from accessing his driveway. The manager will contact the County police and determine the restriction concerning parking near a driveway entrance.

    Nancy had expressed her concerns about the number of residents who do not have house numbers properly displayed on the front of their houses. The manager suggested painting the house numbers on the curb in front of the house. It was suggested that these number would wear away quickly and not be visible if someone is parked in front of the house.

    The manager has been negotiating with WSSC to repave the section of east Thornapple St. where WSSC is replacing the water mains. She has suggested that WSSC pay half of the bill to repave that section rather than patch it. The person with whom she spoke at WSSC was amenable to this suggestion. When the replacement project is completed, the manager will engage a construction company to repave that section of Thornapple St. east.

    The cost of renewing the injured workers insurance policy has been reduced from $522 for last year to $459 for the current year because there have been no claims.

  10. Agenda Item: Adjournment

    Peter adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting, Tuesday, April 9, 2013, at the Village Hall, at 5906 Connecticut Ave., at 7:30 PM. The Village Hall is handicapped accessible. Everyone is welcome.