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Date: September 11, 2018

Place: Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue

Time: 7:30 PM

Present: Greg Chernack, Scott Livingston, Nancy Pines, Pat Xeller, Maryann Luongo, Ashley Kavanaugh, Joe Toomey, two Section 5 residents, and two candidates for MD delegate

Agenda Item: Greetings and introductions

Chairman Greg Chernack called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. Chairman Chernack asked those in attendance to observe a moment of silence for September 11.

Agenda Item: Review and Approval of June Council Meeting Minutes

Chairman Chernack moved that the minutes from the June meeting be approved; there was a second, and the motion passed.

Agenda Item: Residents Comments

Two residents inquired about a home in Section 5 that is scheduled to be torn down and a new home built. The home is next to their residence. They presented documentation showing that the new home planned for the lot is significantly larger in size, and they expressed their concerns. The Section 5 Building Administrator, Joe Toomey, advised that the application has been received by the Section and the plans are still being reviewed. There was a discussion regarding the County and Section’s building regulations. The Council thanked the residents for their comments and asked the Town Manager to keep them advised of the status of the application.

Agenda Item: Monthly Financial Report

The Town Manager presented an overview of the Section’s current financial status, and entertained questions from the Council.

Agenda Item: Manager’s Report

-There were four private tree removals approved over the summer months.

-The Fall Bulk Trash Collection has been moved to September 22.

-The Annual Block Party is scheduled for September 23 with a rain date of September 30.

-The Town Manager inquired as to whether the Council would like to once again offer to purchase and plant trees for residents as part of an annual free tree planting program. The Council was in agreement that we should continue this tradition. Chairman Chernack moved that the tree program should be offered; there was a second, and the motion passed.

-The Section’s recycling and trash contract is up on October 1. As required by Maryland law, the Section put the contract out for bid on E-Maryland Marketplace. The Section received two bids. The Council reviewed the bids and decided to stay with our current contractor Montgomery County Sanitation and Recycling. The Section has used this contractor since 2004. Chairman Chernack moved that Section 5 continue to contract with Montgomery County Sanitation and Recycling; there was a second, and the motion passed.

-The Town Manager advised that the Section is also accepting bids through E-Maryland Marketplace for our fall leaf vacuuming contract. All bids are due on September 17.

-The Town Manager is scheduled to meet with Rolling Acres in the next few weeks to discuss a snow proposal for the Section for winter 2018-2019. Rolling Acres has proposed the use of brine versus salt. Brine is a more expensive alternative, but is thought to be better for the streets and environment.

-The Section audit is scheduled for September 21.


Chairman Chernack adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be held October 9, 2018, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 5906 Connecticut Avenue. The Village Hall has handicapped access. Everyone is welcome.